Sunday, June 8, 2014

Spencerport, NY

Day 12 (08 June 2014)
Sodus Point, NY to Spencerport, NY
Day: 69.91 miles, Trip: 757.45 miles

A large group of riders headed over for breakfast, some nursing the aftermath of a long night. After breakfast my legs felt heavy and I felt tired, possibly getting sick (something is going around). I got dropped back early and knew I couldn't keep up a fast pace two days in a row. Even though in general I feel I am getting stronger riding.

I made it to Palmyra (the first rest stop) at the very back of the pack along with Eric. Neither of us were feeling great. From here we get on a bike path for pretty much the rest of the day. This proved both amazing and horrible. Amazing because we no longer had to worry about traffic. Horrible because the conditions of the trail sucked. This was one of the rare times that I am happy I have the beast of tires on my bike. There were several flats amongst the other riders as we rode through the sections of rock where the trail was under maintenance others ditched the trail to find road routes.

This is not just any trail. We are cycling along the Erie Canal Trail and are riding along the canal and get to see some of the locks. When we reached Fairport, NY we found the trail closed and the town was celebrating Canal Days (a local festival). There were too many people so I didn't stick around. I headed out and the section between Fairport and Pittsford was the worst stretch of trail in terms of surface conditions. My bike made it through it fine but is now filthy.

A short rest stop in Pittsford and I pushed on with the Three Amigos (Ron, Catherine and Mason) and Eric to Spencerport. The trail through this stretch was much nicer through the edge of Rochester. We made great time through this section and then the trail stopped being paved and went back to the crushed stone. It felt more like riding through sand.

We almost made it to the church we are staying at for the night before the rain but ended up turning down the wrong "Spencerport Road". Apparently there are 2 of them. At least we were not riding in the rain too long and we are staying indoors for the night at the Weslyan Church in Spencerport, NY. For dinner I opted not to order pizza and instead cooked a batch of tortellini  to share with Bethany and Andy. I over cooked it but we were so hungry it really didn't matter. Dinner was followed by continued conversation with Kenny and Eric. These two provide the majority of group entertainment.