Sunday, December 8, 2013

Deciding to Start Again

There really isn't anything special about a random Sunday that happens to fall on the eighth of December in 2013. For me anyway. It just happens to be the day that I find time to sit down and begin typing. I considered waiting and starting a blog on New Years Day or on my birthday or some day of significant change but I have tried that and the blogs of the past never ended up following through. So I sit here on a random day starting a new blog to tell my side of the story.

Because in the end that is all we are ... Stories, and while we can, we might as well make them good stories. I stole that from the doctor as I will others I am sure. One thing I am sure you are aware of already in the second paragraph of the first post, I lack grammatical expertise. I understand this and apologize in advance. However, I am starting this more as a way to put updates on "paper" and not at all to be considered an actual "blogger".

Through the first couple weeks, a lot of things are going to be changing both with layout and appearance but hopefully by the new year everything will have been settled. I am new to this so please be patient.

The main reason I am starting to blog again is that after playing around with other social media, I found that I really wasn't interested in using any of the others to post updates on my adventures. Two of my previous adventures were posted on and but this time I wanted a place where I could continue on after the adventure ended.